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NameAddressPhoneCell PhoneEmailCompany NameWebsite / URLPick your ASHI Status - MUST SELECT ONE:ASHI Membership NumberNY COUNTY Service AreaCT COUNTY Service AreaNJ COUNTY Service AreaPlease Select ALL the States You are Licensed inNY License #CT License #NJ License #
Munish Kapur12 Watergate Dr Amawalk, NY 10501 US(914) 255-6510(914) 255-6510mike@sonichomeinspections.comSonic Home Inspectionshttps://www.SonicHomeInspections.comASHI Inspector/Associate263719Westchester Putnam Dutchess Rockland BronxLower FairfieldNONENew York Connecticut16000074430844
Ken Carr223 West 21 Street New York, NY 10011 US(646) 247-1867(646) 247-1867inspectorken@outlook.comPrecision Inspections LLChttps://www.inspectorcarr.comASHI Certified Inspector (ACI)246931Westchester Putnam Rockland Bronx Brooklyn Queens Manhattan Staten Island Nassau SuffolkLower Fairfield Upper Fairfield New HavenNONENew York Connecticut16000144420558
Doug KaufmanPO Box 327 South Salem, NY 10590 US(914) 584-6669(914) 584-6669doug@guardian-inspections.comGuardian Home Inspection Services LLC Certified Inspector (ACI)205090Westchester Putnam Dutchess Rockland Bronx QueensLower Fairfield Upper Fairfield New Haven Litchfield HartfordNONENew York Connecticut16000006526586
Julio C Ordonez2 Davidge Road Middletown, NY 10940 US(631) 697-2024(631) 697-2024stealth8184@aol.comTell All Home InspectionsASHI Inspector/Associate262472Westchester Putnam Dutchess RocklandNONENONENew York16000051260
Stephen P Tyler29 Barnes Drive Garnerville , NY 10923 US(845) 521-4144(845) 521-4144stat.inspections@hotmail.comSTAT Home Inspectionshttps://stathimeinspections.comASHI Certified Inspector (ACI)248784Westchester Putnam Dutchess RocklandNONENONENew York16000034376
Glenn R WoertzP.O. Box 1164 Alpine, NJ 07620 US(201) 647-9026(201) 647-9026gwoertz@aol.comAllwright Home Inspections, Inc.ASHI Certified Inspector (ACI)203102Westchester RocklandNONEBergen Passaic Morris Essex HudsonNew York New Jersey1600000892424GI00014700
Thomas Lochtefeld2 Hedge Row Darien, CT 06820 US(203) 219-4034(203) 219-4034nearwaterpgllc@gmail.comNearwater Property Group - Home Inspectionshttps://www.nearwaterpgllc.comASHI Inspector/Associate269401WestchesterLower Fairfield Upper FairfieldUnionNew York Connecticut New Jersey16000113239121124GI00215900
Michael Christophides2600 South Rd Suite 44-321 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 US(845) 635-2552(845) 527-1243michael@gigrp.comGranite Inspection Grouphttp://www.gigrp.comASHI Certified Inspector (ACI)212037Westchester Putnam Dutchess RocklandNONENONENew York16000005698
Charleston Colin Albert418 Carlton Avenue Apt. #1 Brooklyn, NY 11238 US(718) 622-4664(917) 693-0075albertaces@msn.comAlbert Consulting Engineering Services DBA ACESASHI Certified Inspector (ACI)98688Westchester Putnam Dutchess Rockland Bronx Brooklyn Queens Manhattan Staten Island Nassau SuffolkNONEBergen Passaic Morris Essex Hudson Union MiddlesexNew York New Jersey1600006781324GI00041500
Todd Disston697B Heritage Village Southbury, CT 06488 US(845) 494-6785(845) 494-6785todddisston@gmail.comTiger GroupASHI Certified Inspector (ACI)267342Westchester Putnam DutchessLower Fairfield Upper Fairfield New Haven Litchfield HartfordNONENew York Connecticut16001113221082
Stephen M Byrne171 Thomas Street Staten Island, NY 10306 US(347) 452-3796(347) 452-3796inspectorsteveb@gmail.comUnlimited Home Inspection, Inchttp://www.siinspector.comASHI Certified Inspector (ACI)262309Brooklyn Staten IslandNONEBergen Passaic Morris Essex Hudson Union MiddlesexNew York New Jersey1600007449024G100201300
Frank Ruccolo19 Lee Avenue Scarsdale, NY 10583-5210 US(914) 441-6282(914) 441-6282frankiesdetailhomeinspection@gmail.comDetail Home InspectionASHI Inspector/Associate262178Westchester Putnam Rockland Bronx QueensLower FairfieldNONENew York Connecticut16000073783995
Ronald Sierra221 Country Ridge Drive Rye Brook, NY 10573 US(914) 410-6200(917) 763-2063ron.sierra@pillartopost.comPillar to Post Inspector/Associate258686Westchester Putnam Dutchess Rockland BronxLower FairfieldNONENew York Connecticut160000654401330
Jason Perry84 BECKER STREET LAKE PEEKSKILL, NY 10537-0000 US(845) 490-3721(845) 490-3721jason@themoreyouknowinspections.comThe More You Know Inspectionshttps://www.themoreyouknowinspections.comASHI Inspector/Associate266568Westchester Putnam Dutchess RocklandLower FairfieldNONENew York Connecticut160000893901285
John D Bernard14 River Lane Croton, NY 10520 US(917) 807-5890(917) 807-5890johnbernard.crotonny@gmail.comJohn B Home InspectionsASHI Inspector/Associate264316WestchesterLower FairfieldNONE
William F Jetter411 WESTCHESTER AVE APT 5L PORT CHESTER, NY 10573-3718 US(914) 364-1154(914) 364-1154wfjetter@yahoo.comJetter Home InspectionASHI Inspector/Associate259561Westchester PutnamNONENONE
Tom Rooney26 Hillview Drive Pleasantville , AL 10570 US(914) 769-2685(914) 582-7355rooneyte@aol.comAlltechASHI Certified Inspector (ACI)3517WestchesterNONENONENew York Connecticut16000006411126
Avraham Balsam10 Red Rock Rd New City, NY 10956 US(845) 538-6249(347) 563-2506procheckinspectionsllc@gmail.comPro Check InspectionsASHI Inspector/Associate267281Westchester Rockland Bronx Brooklyn Queens ManhattanNONEBergen PassaicNew York New Jersey1600008549924GI00222700
RAymond Vetrano72 N State Road Suite 178 Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 US(914) 255-6799(914) 255-6799ray@npi-westchester.comNational Property Inspections of Westchesterhttps://www.npi-westchester.comASHI Inspector/Associate258649Westchester Putnam Dutchess RocklandLower FairfieldNONENew York Connecticut16000065750810
Christopher R Long1680 Mogul Drive Mohegan Lake, NY 10547 US(914) 260-8571(914) 510-4187chris@longsgcs.netLongs GCS Corp. Home Inspectionshttp://www.longsgcs.netASHI Inspector/Associate251359Westchester Putnam Dutchess RocklandLower Fairfield Upper Fairfield New Haven LitchfieldNONENew York Connecticut16000051751652
William Beekman77 Perry Ave #9 Port chester, NY 10573 US(914) 391-2126(914) 391-2126bilbeekjr@yahoo.com20/20 InspectionsASHI Inspector/Associate21031871Westchester PutnamNONENONENew York16000102576
Karen C Shapiro122 Justin Avenue Staten Island, NY 10306 US(718) 612-9475(718) company name established yetASHI Inspector/Associate269429Westchester Putnam Dutchess Rockland Bronx Brooklyn Queens Manhattan Staten Island Nassau SuffolkNONENONENew York16000139230
Maha A Eldesouki39 Sagamore rd Bronxville, NY 10708 US(212) 203-8468(212) 203-8468maha@greenvilleinspection.comGreenville Inspection Services LLChttps://www.greenvilleinspection.comASHI Inspector/Associate266005Westchester Rockland Bronx Brooklyn Queens Manhattan Staten Island NassauLower Fairfield Upper Fairfield New Haven Litchfield HartfordNONENew York Connecticut160000826071020
michael R Coppola7 Tourne Road Boonton, NJ 07005 US(973) 541-1477(973) 534-6858coppolainspections@gmail.comNortheast Home Inspections LLChttps://northeastinspect.comASHI Inspector/Associate252003Westchester Rockland Nassau SuffolkNONEBergen Passaic Morris Essex Hudson Union MiddlesexNew York New Jersey1600006561024GI00115100
Victor G. Faggella78 Pond Valley Road Woodbury, CT 06798 US(203) 263-0178(203) 233-4528vgf@centurion-inspections.comCenturion Home Inspections, Inc.https://www.centurion-inspections.comASHI Certified Inspector (ACI)107457Westchester Putnam DutchessUpper Fairfield New Haven LitchfieldNONENew York Connecticut16000009655266
Abe J Kurek32 Long Meadow Dr. New City, NY 10956 US(845) 821-4063(845) 821-4063abek43@hotmail.comHome Inspection Serviceshttp://abetheinspector.comASHI Certified Inspector (ACI)248899Westchester Putnam Dutchess Rockland Bronx ManhattanLower FairfieldBergen Passaic Morris UnionNew York Connecticut New Jersey1600003211291724GI00143700
Mark Rodi220 SOUTH GRANT AVE Congers, NY 10920 US(845) 268-3150(845) 893-0043yankeeipm@yahoo.comRodi services, LLCASHI Inspector/Associate477RocklandNONENONE
Lance E Kotash50 Mi anna Drive Mahopac, NY 10541 US(914) 438-6817(914) 438-6817lance@eagleeyeinspectionny.comEagle Eye Home Inspectionhttp://www.eagleeyeinspectionny.comASHI Inspector/Associate253034Westchester Putnam Dutchess Rockland BronxLower Fairfield New Haven HartfordNONENew York Connecticut160000512831107